I have to admit I am late in getting my tip done for this week. Christmas preparations, of course, but we also received a large order for racks that has us hopping. Nice to know the word is getting out about our products.
I watched 60 minutes this past week and one of the features was about plastic. What we are doing to our planet is frightening. I will never look at a bottle, plastic bag, or anything plastic for that matter, the same again. My resolution for next year is to find as many ways I can to reuse. After watching the program it doesn't appear as if recycling is the answer. If you have 10 minutes or so watch this segment: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/the-great-pacific-garbage-patch-cleaning-up-the-plastic-in-the-ocean-60-minutes/.
So on that note, I will tell you about reuse that I accomplished recently. My wonderful son-in-law, Mark, makes me such thoughtful gifts, he made a beautiful cutting table that I use every day. It was so nice because he wrote me a nice note in the drawer. Each time I open the drawer I think of him. On to my reuse story -- Mark made me an oak candle holder. It is beautiful and has eight spots to hold tea lights. My husband, Dennis, has a habit of not paying attention to where he puts things and has on more than one occasion thrown a towel or his coat over a candle. We had a small fire in our bathroom one Christmas and several other small fires because of this. Therefore, I am not comfortable with candles in my house. I felt bad that I couldn't use the gift Mark gave me and a few months ago took a good look at the candle holder and came up with what I think is a pretty good idea.

It now sits right in front of my sewing machine and holds all of my tools. Everything is just where I need it.
I also had these pencil packs lying around that work well for holding my miniature pieces and templates. I also use them to hold my cords and parts for my sewing machines.
If you have a reuse idea I would love to hear from you and share it with my readers. I would like to keep this topic going for the entire year. So, send me some ideas!
I am going to take a few days for myself and will publish the next Quilt Tip after the first of the year.
The Holidays are coming quickly. I will be spending Christmas with my family. We can't always be together on Christmas but this year everyone will be in town. I am so looking forward to all of the fun. On New Year's weekend, two of my favorite people are coming to sew through the New Year. This has become an annual event. We sew for three or four days and Dennis does all the cooking and cleanup. Who could ask for more?
Best wishes for the Holidays, and for health and happiness throughout the coming year.
“The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.”
– Terry Pratchett